

Jesus' Face Reconstructed

With the aid of computers, forensic anthropologists input the best data available for Jesus in his time and place. This representation differs markedly from the European version of him as lithe, long-haired, light-skinned, and delicate-featured.

Israeli and British scientists worked with computer programmers to create the face for the December 2002 Popular Mechanics magazine.

They used archaeological and anthropological science rather than an artistic interpretation. Following a model of a skull found near Jerusalem that dates to the first century, they performed CAT scans and forensic muscle reconstruction to recreate the face. They acknowledge that without Jesus' skull, theirs is not the actual face, but it does come much closer than previous artist renderings, which were filtered by the culture of the painter.

It is a broad, peasant's face, dark olive skin, short curly hair, and a prominent nose. People were much shorter in Jesus' time, so he would have stood about 5 foot 1 inch tall (1.55 m) with a weight of 110 pounds (50 kg).

Unlike paintings, his hair is short. The researchers found that in the Bible long hair was not customary, and was frowned upon. In the New Testament Paul wrote "If a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him."

It may not be great art, but is less misleading as to the appearance of the true face.